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发布时间:2016-12-20 16:24:21  ▏作者:admin  ▏阅读:

北京代理记账业务规范一. 从业人员的职业道德规范

Beijing acting bookkeeping business norms. Practitioners of professional ethics

1. 爱岗敬业。要求会计人员热爱会计工作,安心本职岗位,忠于职守,尽心尽力,尽职尽责。

1 dedication. Accounting personnel love accounting work, ease their jobs, loyal, dedicated, conscientious.

2. 诚实守信。要求会计人员做老实人,说老实话,办老实事,执业谨慎,信誉至上,不为利益所诱惑,不弄虚作假,不泄露秘密。

2 honest and trustworthy. The requirements for accounting personnel to be an honest person, to be honest, do good thing, practicing caution, the supremacy of credibility, not for the interests of the temptation, do not resort to deceit, not to divulge the secret.

3. 廉洁自律。要求会计人员公私分明、不贪不占、遵纪守法、清正廉洁。

3 integrity and self-discipline. Accounting personnel Gongsifenming, does not account for greed, law-abiding, honest.

4. 客观公正。要求会计人员端正态度,依法办事,实事求是,不偏不倚,保持应有的独立性。

4 objective justice. For correct attitude, accounting personnel in accordance with the law, avoid leaning to either side, seeking truth from facts, to maintain their independence.

5. 坚持准则。要求会计人员熟悉国家法律法规和国家统一的会计制度,始终坚持按法律法规和国家统一的会计制度的要求进行会计核算,实施会计监督。

5 adhere to the guidelines. Require accountants to be familiar with national laws and regulations and the national unified accounting system, always adhere to the laws and regulations and the national unified accounting system for accounting requirements, the implementation of accounting supervision.

6. 提高技能。要求会计人员增强提高专业技能的自觉性和紧迫感,勤学苦练,刻苦钻研,不断进取,提高业务水平。

6 improve skills. Accounting personnel to enhance the consciousness and improve their professional skills and sense of urgency, qinxuekulian, assiduously, continuous improvement, improve the level of business.

7. 参与管理。要求会计人员在做好本职工作的同时,努力钻研相关业务,全面熟悉本单位经营活动和业务流程,主动提出合理化建议,协助领导决策,积极参与管理。

7 participation in management. Accounting personnel do their work at the same time, efforts to study the relevant business, the unit fully familiar with the business activities and business processes, take the initiative to put forward reasonable suggestions to assist the leadership decision-making, actively participate in management.

8. 强化服务。要求会计人员树立服务意识,提高服务质量,努力维护和提升会计职业的良好社会形象。

8 intensive services. Require accountants to establish service awareness, improve service quality, and strive to maintain and improve the accounting profession of a good social image.


The above is our Beijing agent bookkeeping service practitioners professional ethics and service attitude.

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